Bethany's Stewardship Campaign Begins

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“It’s just down the street from my church.”
“We feed hungry people at my church.”
My church has amazing music!”
“Everyone is welcome at my church.”

Bethany is your church. It’s where you worship. It’s where you serve. It’s where you gather with friends. Some of you were married at Bethany. Others were baptized here. For many of you there are names of beloved friends and family on our memorial wall. Make your commitment to this community clear by pledging your financial support for 2018.

A couple weeks ago, Rebecca challenged our congregation to use the phrase “my church” with friends outside Bethany as a way of moving from being a welcoming church to an inviting one. “My Church” also seemed like an apt theme for our 2018 Pledge Campaign.

“My Church” isn’t about any of us owning Bethany. Bethany doesn’t belong to us, but we belong to it. You are Bethany. Our church wouldn’t exist in the same way without each of you. We depend on your time and energy, your dreams and visions, and your faithful giving to do the work to which God has called us as a congregation.

This year as a congregation we have set a goal of $54,000 in pledges. That’s $6000 more than the pledges we received last year. We believe this goal is possible, but we need your help to get there. Any amount you can give in the coming year is meaningful, and any amount you can raise your pledge from previous years will help us achieve our goal. I pledge, and I’m going to increase my pledge this year, because Bethany is My Church. I hope you will too.

Please fill out the enclosed pledge card and return it to church by mail or on any Sunday in our pledge campaign, October 29-November 19. Let’s meet our goal, and make new and exciting things possible at Our Church.

If you would prefer to submit a digital pledge card, you may fill our the form below. Or, to set up an automatic payment, you can click here to access our online giving site.