The other spiritual practices: journaling (in an anxious place)


This Lent, we’ve been talking about finding God in the things we’re already doing. We’re still talking about it — even though the things we’re doing have changed significantly. Here’s Pastor Rebecca Anderson’s sermon for March 22, 2020, with music from Music Director Yasuko Oura and Emily Birsan. We can’t leave the music up indefinitely so get it while you can and then find just the sermon here.

And, as promised in the sermon, here’s one version (there are, approximately, a billion available) of the Ignatian Examen. (And a link to another version.)

Daily examen

Pray for light. Become aware of God’s presence. Become present to God.

Review the day, all that’s happened, all whom you’ve encountered, with gratitude, if possible.

Consider all the emotions you experienced over the course of the day, the full sweep and variety of emotions.

Think of one emotion, moment, or encounter from the day and meditate on that; pray for or through that.

Anticipate the day to come.