Unabashed Gratitude: Bud Longhauser

In this year’s pledge campaign (during which we invite folks to name what they anticipate giving financially in the coming year), we decided to focus on gratitude. Sure, we could wait until the whole thing’s over and then say “thank you” but so many people already give and do so much to Bethany the church it is that we decided to say thanks early and often — before, during, and after the pledge campaign.

Each week, we’re inviting someone from Bethany to share their thanks, for the church as a whole, or to individuals within it. On Sunday, November 10th, Bud Longhauser shared a whole list of his thanks and we’re grateful to share it here, with his permission:

  • I'm grateful that Vince started the book club.* It has really been a delight. I'm grateful for the conversations we've had and getting to know everyone.

  • I'm grateful for the music. Every week, the music. To the musicians, to the vocalists, to the coordination. The music.

  • I'm grateful for coffee with Rebecca. Vince and Rebecca offer this up occasionally, and I would definitely recommend it. It just might be profound…or not.

  • I'm grateful for the music.

  • I'm grateful to Dave, who this past summer brought in flowers for us. There were several times it made my week.

  • I'm grateful for this beautiful building we get to worship in each week.

  • I'm grateful to Adam for inviting Russ to Bethany. I'm grateful to Russ for inviting the Bresky's to Bethany. I'm grateful to the Bresky's for inviting me to Bethany.

  • I"m grateful to Cindy, who was patient with me when I forgot her name the first several times we talked. I'm grateful to anyone else who had that experience with me. You seemingly tolerated it.

  • I'm grateful that Bethany is a place I can bring all of me into. I've had the experience in the past with churches where parts of me felt like they were 'too much'. Here I can bring that 'too much'. It wasn't a process, it just happened.

Thanks to Bud for sharing! He’s one of so many people making Bethany a home for open-minded, wholehearted, hands-on faith.

* You’re welcome to join the next book group on Thursday, Dec 5. We’re reading Miracle on 10th Street by Madeline L’Engle. Check back for more dates in the New Year. It’s been a hit with the folks who’ve gone!