Aug 18, 2019 sermon


BIG thanks to Sunday’s guest preacher, Rev. Jack Veatch. Jack was ordained July 14th of this year by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Jack grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, little sister to Chicago, but has loved living in Hyde Park while he completed his Masters of Divinity program. Next month Jack will leave Chicago to move to Switzerland to complete a six-month Complimentary Certificate in Ecumenical Studies program which associated with the World Council of Churches and the University of Geneva. Jack hopes that his time in the program leads him to explore new ways for God's people to experience rest and renewal.

From Jack’s sermon:

It’s hard to take our rest seriously. The world, in so many ways, demands so many things of us. Their exists the superficial demands of businesses, and entertainment, trying to command our attention and our dollars. The real demands of how we scrape our lives together, how we pay bills and put food on plates. The demands which make life worth living, friendships, stories, adventures, love, weddings, birthdays. The demands of folks whose lives are in  turmoil are real and important.

And our holy creator also demands of us that we rest.God did not finish creation on the sixth day, but creation was finished when God sanctified the seventh day and rested. Divinely modeled for us and Divinely demanded of us, that we rest.

Read the whole thing here.